Stock Price Information

[009440] KC GreenHoldings

실시간 주식 현재가

Change / /Change

Market price (won) Highest price (won) Lowest price (won) No. of transaction (share)
KOSDAQ / Internet
KOSDAQ / Internet
Previous day price (won) Asking price of sales (won)
Amount of transaction of previous day Asking price of purchase (won)
Highest price (won)
Lowest price (won)
Highest in 52 weeks (won)
Lowest in 52 weeks (won)
Par value (won)
No. of listed share (share)
Total market price (1 million won)
Date of listing 1994. 11. 05
매도/매수잔량을 보여주는 테이블
Remaining volume of sales Asking price Remaining volume of purchase
일자/종가/전일대비/시가/고각/저가/거래량/거래대금을 보여주는 테이블
Date Price Change Open Day's High Day's Low Volume Transactions